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2023-11-26 09:33:33 宝贝快好 宠物大全 来源:互联网


狗狗接飞盘动图:I. IntroductionFrisbee is a traditional sport which is full of fun, people often play it i……宝贝快好www.bbwell.cn)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


I. Introduction

Frisbee is a traditional sport which is full of fun, people often play it in a park during their leisure time. Meanwhile, for many dogs and their owners, frisbee has not only become a leisure activity, but an exciting competition too. In this competition, two teams, one of which consists of a professional player and one of a professional dog, play against each other. The objective is to make the professional player throw the frisbee in the air and the dog catch it in the fastest time or the longest distance. This is a very interesting event and often attracts quite a number of audience and pet owners who enjoy watching their beloved pets chasing the frisbee and competing with each other.

II. History

This competition is named ‘Doggy Catch the Frisbee', and it is believed that the history of Doggy Catch The Frisbee goes back to the late 20s. According to the memories of some old-timers, they had witnessed an incredible performance of frisbee catching and playing by a few Labrador Retrievers. In the past few decades, with the developing awareness of pet, more and more pet owners are getting interested in this activity. During this process, the rules of this game has been gradually improved as well.

III. Rules

The official rules of Doggy Catch the Frisbee requires two teams to compete with each other, one consists of one professional player and one dog. The competition takes place in an area about 300 feet long and 200 feet wide, with the four edges of the area set as the boundaries of the competition. The Frisbee will be thrown from a designated area (about 100 feet away from the boundary) and it is the job of the professional player to throw the Frisbee a certain distance away from the boundary. The objective for the dog is to catch the Frisbee in the fastest time.

IV. Types of Frisbees

For this competition, different types of Frisbees are used depending on the different purposes. The Frisbees used could be made of different materials like foam rubber, plastic or canvass. Besides, it could be light weight with the objective of having a longer range, or heavy with maximum control. In addition, some frisbees are designed with various colors, patterns or emblems in order entice and attract the attention of the dog.

V. Training

In order to compete in Doggy Catch The Frisbee, both the dog and the professional player need to be properly trained. For the professional player, he should practice regularly to enhance his skill. He should be able to throw the frisbee accurately and with the sufficient distance. As for the dog, it needs to be trained to be used to the scene and the environment, and to have the agility and obedience to chase and catch the frisbee.

VI. Effect

Doggy Catch The Frisbee could be benefit to the relationship between the dog and the pet owners. A good performance from the dog could give the pet owners a sense of achievement. Moreover, it could bring freshness to the relationship since it is something new and different. At the same time, such competition will help to promote the development of professional interest of pet owners and to provide them with more social activities.

VII. Conclusion

一、 引言

1.1 狗狗即 “Canis lupus familiaris”,有着丰富多样的活动和能力,尤其是会玩飞盘游戏。

2.2 对于狗狗,会玩飞盘是一个挑战,但也有很多乐趣。

二、 狗狗接飞盘动图

3.1 有关狗狗接飞盘的动画分为四个步骤:准备、抗投、抓接、升起。

4.2 第一步,准备。准备阶段,主人应该鼓励狗狗通过训练,帮助增加它的准备程度,使它能够聚精会神地迎接被抛出的飞盘。

5.3 第二步,抗投。这一阶段,主人要教会狗狗如何看到飞盘被抛向它并学习如何解决它。要培养狗狗的眼力以便更好的抗投能力。

6.4 第三步,抓接。抓接是接住飞盘的核心步骤,它要求狗狗有足够的反应能力和灵活性,以便在飞盘被抛向他的瞬间准确抓住飞盘。

7.5 第四步,升起。当狗狗已经抓接飞盘后,它们要学习如何把飞盘抛向高处,使飞盘升高,以便主人或其他狗狗再次抓接。


8.1 通过接飞盘游戏,狗狗能够增强它们的身体健康和视觉能力,使它们更加活泼、更快乐,同时也能够提高主人与狗狗之间的联系。

9.2 接飞盘还能够帮助培养狗狗的耐心和奖励,这是其它活动无法带给狗狗的能力,值得主人认真学习和培养。


10.1 由此可见,接飞盘游戏不仅是一种休闲娱乐活动,还能够提高狗狗的身体素质,使狗狗更加灵活、耐心,也能提高主人与狗狗的亲密度。





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