
黑色皮肤 蓝色皮肤


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石金钱龟怎么过冬天养视频:I Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Objective of the ProjectII Design Basics2.1 Overview of th……宝贝快好www.bbwell.cn)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


I Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 Objective of the Project

II Design Basics

2.1 Overview of the Greenhouse

2.2 Location of the Greenhouse

2.3 Size of the Greenhouse

2.4 Internal Layout of the Greenhouse

III Peculiar Features

3.1 Temperature Control System

3.2 Air Movement System

3.3 Irrigation System

3.4 Lighting System

IV Maintenance Methods

4.1 Building Maintenance

4.2 Plant Maintenance

4.3 Watering Measures

4.4 Fertilizing Measures

V Conclusion

I Introduction

1.1 Background

The tortoise is an ancient species, existing even before humans. Tortoises are one of the most famous species of tortoises, with its wide distribution area, fascinating appearance and life span, which reaches up to hundreds of years. The design of a tortoise greenhouse is significantly important for the growth of the tortoises.

1.2 Objective of the Project

The objective of the project is to design a suitable greenhouse for the locking and growth of the turtles, and to ensure that their living environment stays at the best condition. The design should cover the external structure of the greenhouse, the temperature control system and the internal equipment that can improve the internal environment.

II Design Basics

2.1 Overview of the Greenhouse

The external structure of the greenhouse is mainly composed of glass or acrylic sheet, as well as aluminum or plastic frame. The shape of the greenhouse can vary, but it is generally designed as a tube or dome structure. The design of the greenhouse should keep in mind factors such as sufficient sunlight, ventilation and thermal insulation.

2.2 Location of the Greenhouse

The location of the greenhouse is the main factor that determines the growth of the tortoises. The greenhouse should be launched in the south, which is both good at sunlight and has no strong wind. The best place is the sunny side of a garden or a building, but it should be noted that the greenhouse should not be located near water.

2.3 Size of the Greenhouse

The size of the greenhouse should be slightly larger than the growth speed of the tortoises. The size should not be too small or large, but should cover only the required space. In this way, it can be easier to adjust the temperature of the greenhouse, which is the key factor for the growth of tortoises.

2.4 Internal Layout of the Greenhouse

Inside the greenhouse, there should be two parts: the lower part is the ground, and the upper part covers the egg-laying frame as well as a platform for basic living. In addition, the design should include space for plants, ponds and other decorations. Usually, it is designed with small islands connected by stone tracks to simulate the natural environment.

III Peculiar Features

3.1 Temperature Control System

The temperature control system should have sufficient functions, with the capability of automatically controlling the temperature by communicating with the external environment. It should be able to adjust the air quality, and provide an ideal temperature that is suitable for the growth of tortoises.

3.2 Air Movement System

A high-efficiency air movement system should be designed, with the ability to reduce the humidity and eliminate dust. The system should also provide a good air circulation, which can bring fresh air and oxygen into the greenhouse.

3.3 Irrigation System

The irrigation system should include the piping, the drainage and the filtering substances. The system should provide sufficient water and the desired humidity to maintain the health of the tortoises.

3.4 Lighting System

A lighting system can provide the required amount of lighting for the tortoises. The system should be equipped with ultraviolet lights, as well as energy-saving LED lightings.

IV Maintenance Methods

4.1 Building Maintenance

In order to ensure the greenhouse in good condition, regular maintenance of the building should be conducted. This includes tasks such as cleaning, disinfection and the replacement of broken screens.

4.2 Plant Maintenance

The plants used in the greenhouse should require less maintenance. Generally, they should be resistant to cold and drought and possess the capabilities of disease resistance and self-regulation.

4.3 Watering Measures

The watering of the plants should be regularly conducted, as too much or too little water can be fatal. The water should also be filtered before entering the greenhouse.

4.4 Fertilizing Measures

Regular fertilizing of the plants can be applied to promote their growth. The fertilizer should provide sufficient nutrition for the plants.

V Conclusion

1. 准备石金钱龟过冬季所需的设施及食物


a) 盆容器:石金钱龟体型较小,容易把腿侵入较深的水中,因此盆容器的深度一定要比石金钱龟的腿长度更加短。

b) 装备暖箱:石金钱龟是昼伏夜出的生物,一般夏季会在温度较高的时候活动,冬季则不同,通常在撒满黄金的晚上,它就会出去活动,所以在冬季为石金钱龟准备一个暖箱,可以给它一个舒适的环境,让它好好过冬。

c) 地毯:可以加入松软的地毯,例如羊毛或人造纤维等,可以给石金钱龟提供温暖舒适的睡眠地方。

(二) 石金钱龟过冬季的食物

a) 蔬菜:空心菜、菠菜、芹菜、萝卜、胡萝卜、青椒、小白菜等可以给它们作为食物,这些蔬菜都有营养丰富,可以帮助石金钱龟在过冬季期间积蓄充足的能量。

b) 水果:过冬季可为石金钱龟提供李子、苹果、水果和番茄等,添加精制饲料混合水果也是可行的。

c) 饲料:具体食物可搭配完全饲料海鲜和混合饲料,这类食物中含有营养丰富的纤维,可以改善石金钱龟的消化系统和三维杠杆。

2. 石金钱龟过冬养护的技术技巧

a) 饮水量:石金钱龟在过冬期间饮水量会明显减少,但过低的水温会导致水质污染,所以在冬季要定期更换饮用水,为石金钱龟提供新鲜的水质保证健康。

b) 温度保持:石金钱龟过冬养护很重要,建议用暖箱维持环境温度在25℃~30℃,使它们在过冬期间也同样拥有温暖舒适的环境,有利于它们体内免疫力发育。

c) 充足的睡眠:石金钱龟在冬季会有休眠期,为了保证石金钱龟有充足的睡眠,要保证早晚灯光暗度恒定,只有晚上有暗的环境,石金钱龟才会在夜晚进行休眠。

d) 调理饮食:石金钱龟冬季期间饮食量也会减少到90%以下,所以冬季饲养它们最好调整饮食量,给它们调理,并且要给它们多种多样的食物,以使它们充分获得营养,保证它们在过冬季期间健康蓬勃。

3. 石金钱龟过冬的注意事项

a) 环境温度稳定:冬季是石金钱龟养护的重要时期,因此要保持环境温度的稳定,给它们提供舒适的温度,防止体温过低。

b) 照顾好水源:冬季期间水温较低,为了避免水温过低出现曲折,应及时更换水源,保证石金钱龟环境温度稳定,同时也要及时补充水分,避免由于饮水不足引起的缺水。





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