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2023-11-26 09:34:31 宝贝快好 疾病百科 来源:互联网


狗狗猫咪得了澳门宠物入境怎么办 澳门宠物入境症状图片怎么治疗用什么药:I. IntroductionA. Definition of \"Pet Entry” B. Reasons for People Bringing in Pets II. Pr……宝贝快好www.bbwell.cn)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!

I. Introduction

A. Definition of \"Pet Entry”

B. Reasons for People Bringing in Pets

II. Procedures of Pet Entry

A. Veterinary Certificates

B. Quarantine

C. Assessment

III. Benefits of Pet Entry

A. Increased Interaction between People and Pets

B. Stress Release

C. Multi-cultural Exchange

IV. Difficulties in Pet Entry

A. High Veterinary Fees

B. Complex Procedures

C. Inadequate Facilities

V. Conclusion

A. Summary

B. Recommendations

C. Ways to Overcome the Difficulties


Pet entry refers to bringing a pet into a foreign country. This can either be done by transporting the pet or bringing him/her with the owner. Pet entry can involve complex paperwork and fees in certain countries. Generally, people bring pets with them out of a variety of reasons including companionship, socialization, comfort, security, and stress alleviation.

Procedures of Pet Entry

Bringing a pet into a foreign country involves completing multiple procedures. Firstly, pet owners require obtaining a veterinary health certificate from a qualified veterinarian in their home country. These need to be stamped by an official veterinarian and will act as evidence to demonstrate that the pet is healthy and has been vaccinated for rabies. Secondly, the pet owner often needs to have the pet quarantined for several weeks or months. This quarantine process is to ensure pet health and to mitigate the risk of diseases being carried over to the receiving country. Finally, all pets need to be assessed upon entry. This is to ensure that all information on the paperwork is true and accurate.

Benefits of Pet Entry

Bringing a pet into another country can bring multiple benefits. Firstly, it increases interaction between people and pets. It has been proven that pets can help humans maintain good mental and physical health, through activities such as regular walking or playing, which could be facilitated by bringing the pet with them on vacation or when relocating. Secondly, pets can also act as a form of stress relief for their owners. Studies have shown that pet owners have lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, than non-owners. Thirdly, through unifying the cultures between countries, it can help create a more welcoming and tolerant society.

Difficulties in Pet Entry

Despite the numerous benefits, pet entry can also be difficult and challenging. Firstly, veterinary fees to bring pets into a foreign country can be quite expensive. This can be due to additional paperwork, vaccinations, and quarantine processes. Secondly, the procedures necessary to bring a pet into a country can be quite complex as there are multiple regulations that must be followed. Finally, the facilities to support pet entry can be inadequate. For example, in certain countries, there may not be a suitable place to quarantine pets.


I. 前言(Introduction)


II. 澳门宠物入境政策(The Pet Immigration Policy of Macau)

1. 受澳门法规和宠物健康鉴定结果保护下,宠物可以进入澳门,只要符合以下三个要求:

a. 拥有有效护照和澳门入境签证;

b. 通过行政院澳门兽医科服务部宠物健康介绍申请;

c. 满足宠物携带安全性要求(如,可关在狗笼/猫车里)。

2. 部分特殊宠物需要特殊的认可和准证,如:

a. 蛇类宠物需要提供声明申请;

b. 穿山甲类宠物需要提供野生动物进口猎物准证;

c. 一些濒临灭绝的动物需要携带CITES认证。

3. 宠物携带的入境可以汇集给出入境人员,但是宠物在澳门将只能留在拥有宠物的家庭,政府可以随时检查任何宠物被遵守政府对宠物入境有关文件所规定的要求。

III. 出入境宠物旅行的注意事项(Tips for Pet Outbound and Inbound Travel)

1. 对宠物所在的航空公司的要求。宠物的航行政策由航空公司决定,有时它们会拒绝携带宠物,而私人飞机则可以携带更多宠物;

2. 选择宠物携带容器。有必要选择合适大小、防撞性良好、柔软底座及排水孔的宠物携带容器;

3. 宠物护照。航空公司会检查宠物护照,以确保宠物入境所需特殊政策及放行手续;

4. 宠物健康保证险;

5. 宠物动物部门的申请表格;

6. 宠物行为健康检查;

7. 为宠物定期进行打疫苗并准备疫苗证明;

8. 为宠物准备一些装备,如宠物食物,清洁用品,垃圾袋,玩具等。

IV. 宠物入境的影响(The Impact of Pet Immigration)

1. 促进澳门的经济发展;


2. 锻炼和促进公民权利;


3. 保护环境及宠物的安全;


V. 结论(Conclusion)




