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2023-11-26 09:35:31 宝贝快好 疾病百科 来源:互联网


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1\t Introduction

Toyota’s \"HAV\" (Human Assist Vehicle) made its first debut in 2017, and is an experimental project intended to help people in their daily lives and reduce their workload. The HAV is designed to assist with transportation, carrying items, and other duties without human intervention. Recently, Toyota has announced a new version of the HAV, the \"HAWEE\" (Human Assist Wheelchair Environment Evaluator), which was released in 2020.

2 About HAWEE

The HAWEE is a mobility device designed to enable users to get around and perform tasks more safely and independently on their own. It is equipped with a Human Assist Wheelchair (HAW) with four wheels and a traditional armrest. The HAW can be adjusted according to the user's height and posture, and can be operated with either a small joystick or with a combination of the user's hands and feet. The HAWEE also has an array of sensors such as cameras, lidar, and other motion sensors that allow it to detect environmental obstacles, locate itself in its environment, and navigate its way around.

3 Features

In addition to providing a platform for a safe and independent mobility experience, the HAWEE also has several notable features. Firstly, it is able to learn from its user's behavior and predict their future activity, allowing it to tailor its response accordingly. Secondly, the HAWEE is equipped with an adjustable seat cushion and backrest, making it ideal for people with different sizes and postures. Thirdly, the HAWEE has an advanced autonomous navigation system that includes obstacle avoidance and an inner-city navigation system that runs on GPS. Lastly, the HAWEE can also be controlled remotely via a smartphone app, which allows users to monitor and adjust the HAWEE's settings while not at home.

4 Benefits

The HAWEE is designed to make getting around easier, safer and more independent for the elderly and disabled. The height and posture adjustable seat, autonomous navigation system and remote control capabilities provide users with more options and create a smoother and less physically taxing experience. Additionally, by learning from its user's behavior, the HAWEE is able to provide a personalized experience that is tailored to each individual user. Finally, by providing a mobility device that is both lightweight and conveniently portable, the HAWEE enables users to travel outside their home and explore the world with more freedom and ease.

5 Conclusion


1. 哈威简介

哈威集团(Harvey Group),前身为1994年创办的哈威工程技术有限公司,是国内著名的互联网投资集团,在国内拥有数百家子公司,投资范围涉及教育、文化、餐饮、金融、物流等多个领域。

2. 主要服务

哈威集团以“创造价值 共享美好”为企业使命,为项目融资提供从企业咨询、投融资、管理咨询、精准营销等各项服务,为客户创造投资价值。

3. 投资方式



1. 哈工大简介

哈尔滨工业大学(Harbin Institute of Technology)简称哈工大,1898年创建的俄国科学技术师范学校,是中国著名的研究型、国际化高校,是一所多科性、对外经济贸易型的大学,也是中国第一个具有现代职业教育的大学,同时也是中国港澳台地区最早开设本科和研究生课程的高校。

2. 教育体系


3. 校园文化



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