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金赏开音胶囊:I. The Concept of “Golden Reward”A. Definition of “Golden Reward”“Golden Reward”, first me……宝贝快好www.bbwell.cn)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


I. The Concept of “Golden Reward”

A. Definition of “Golden Reward”

“Golden Reward”, first mentioned in the Records of the Grand Historian and The Analects of Confucius, represents the highest form of recognition awarded by the sovereign to exemplary individuals, which symbolizes the supreme honor granted to their significant accomplishments. Usually, these awards are bestowed to those who havemade remarkable contributions to their country and played a major role in influencing the course of Chinese history.

B. The History of “Golden Reward”

Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Chinese emperors had been issuing “Golden Rewards” in order to recognize or strengthen the loyalty of subjects. In the Ming and Qin Dynasties, the government issued a great number of “Golden Rewards” in recognition of the civil and military officials who loyally served in the army and the court. Moreover, these awards also helped to build a powerful and efficient bureaucracy, keeping the emperor’s authority intact.

II. Benefits of “Golden Reward”

A. Promotion and Wealth

The possession of “Golden Reward” usually came with promotion of rank, which was closely associated with emolument. As a matter of fact, high ranking officials who had received “Golden Rewards” were usually financially endowed by their sovereigns. As a result, they could enjoy a much higher social status and economic benefits.

B. Honor and Respect

For those ordinary people who have been presented with “Golden Reward”, people’s admiration and respect had followed, which was considered a source of confidence and pride. For instance, high ranking military officials of the Warring States period, such as Wu Qi and Shu Sun, had achieved great fame after being bestowed the “Golden Reward”.

III. Notable Winners of “Golden Reward”

A. Wang Tang

During the period of Wang Mang, scholar Wang Tang had made great contributions in improving the corrupt empire. Because of his loyalty, Wang Mang bestowed him a special “Golden Reward”, assigning him to be the prime minister of his government. Through Wang Tang’s wise guidance, the young emperor achieved peace and stability and earned him the reverence of everyone.

B. Jiang Ziya

During the period of Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Ziya had played an important role in establishing strong military system and providing political counsels to the ruler. As an appreciation of his loyalty, the Zhou Dynasty had rewarded him a “Golden Reward”. Encouraged by Jiang Ziya’s wise advice, King Wen and King Wu were able to dramatically transform the society and restore peace.

IV. Significance of “Golden Reward”

A. Strengthen Authority of the Emperor

Granted by the Empress, “Golden Rewards” was a form of political reward, aimed to strengthen the emperor’s authority through the accolades that followed. By conferring such rewards, the sovereign could demonstrate their power and dominion in the royal court.

B. Recognition of Outstanding Contributions

On the other hand, those individual who have been granted the “Golden Rewards” deserved a particular honor and recognition for their significant dedication to the wholesome development of their homeland. Without their supreme sacrifices, the nation’s future would be less secure and brighter.

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